Thai Yuan Amulet

Thai Yuan Amulet

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tok Raja CK.Chan

Tok Raja C.K.Chan

Tok Raja 3 in 1 Than Mit

Tok Raja 3 in 1 Than Mit




CK CHAN 2530

Khron Ratchanaren ( known as Tok Raja )

马来西亚高僧-TOK RAJA

Tok Raja 2505

马来西亚高僧-TOK RAJA 2505

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

3) Khron Ratchanaren ( known as Tok Raja )

马来西亚高僧TOK RAJA

2) Khron Ratchanaren ( known as Tok Raja )

马来西亚高僧TOK RAJA

24) Kruba Kissana Original Salika Amulets ( 超大模靈鳥 )


人缘鸟有增强人缘, 增加说服力, 使人更易接纳佩带者意见的效力。装上宝石能加强人缘同财运.

1) Khron Ratchanaren ( known as Tok Raja )

Khron Ratchanaren (known as Tok Raja) was born on Thursday December 1, BE2419 (1876). He was sent to Wat Uttamaram by his parents when he was 12 years old to learn Buddhism and Thai language. He stayed with Archan Lok who was the temple Chief Abbot at that time.Tok had showed great interest in Buddhism and became a "Dek Jom" under the supervision of Bhikkhu (monks) in the temple. Besides, he also learned crafting and construction. He once told the devotees that even from an early age, he cherished the ambition of joining the monk hood and stay in the temple to learn Buddhism unlike his other kampung (village) boys of the same age who more preferred to stay in their homes in the kampung.
Tok joined monk hood (Bhikkhu) on Jun 15, 2438 (1895) when he was 21 years old. The ordination took place at Wat Uttamaram and was ordained by the following monks:1) Phra Upatcha Palad Chai from Wat Mai Suwankhiri2) Phra Khru Ophart Phuthakhun from Wat Chon Prachumthart and3) Phra Athikarn Phut from Wat Bangtakwa Silaloi who became KammavacanusavanacarnTok was then given a Buddhist name known as Punnaksuwanno.
After becoming a monk, Tok stayed at Wat Uttamatam for two phansa after that Tok traveled to Southern Thailand to learn Pali language and at that time is known as the big book. Tok was resided at Wat huaphom Nai in Songkhla and learn Buddhism in greater depth. He also learned "Phrakhatha vertmon" which consist of "Khamphi Mulkachai" and "Khamphi Thammadboth" in Wat Huaporm Nai as well as Vipassana Kammatharn technique in Songkhla for 15 years. In the year 2449 BE, Tok was appointed Chief Abbot of the Wat for 10 years. Due to the fact that Tok needs to be back to Malaya, he stepped down as Chief Abbot of Wat Huaporm Nai. Once back from Thailand, he became the Chief Abbot of Wat Mai Suwankhiri for 6 years before been transferred back to Wat Uttamaram and became the Chief Abbot of the Wat in year 2468 BE. He taught Vippassana meditation and ubasok ubasika Buddhaborisat to the kampung folks Buddhist fundamentals as well as Vertmon Katha to his pupils.
When Tok came back from Songkhla Thailand, he stressed a lot on knowledge skill. He worked very hard in order to expand the knowledge skills to devotees in Kelantan but did not meet his expectation since the Society at that time did not realise the importance of education and as such, was unable to achieve his mission to the fullness. In early year of BE2491 (1948), Thai Buddhism has spread out of the country especially to the neighboring country like Malaya. Malaysia was formerly known as Malaya. In that year, the first Naktham school was established in the Kedah state of Malaya. Tok has waited for the opportunity to open up such school for long time and has establish the same Naktham school in the year BE2492 and the first school was established in Wat Uttamaram Bangsek itself. It was a resounding success in establishing these schools and Tok later handed over the management of the school to Phra Maha Chan Kesaro who possessed "Parian Tham 6 Prakyok" as a teacher master. Even though there was a shortage in teaching resources, there was a huge demand from monks all over Kelantan to study at Wat Uttamaram to seek knowledge and learn Naktham where the expenses incurred were manageable. It was not easy to go to Wat Uttamaram at that time where it took hours to reach by walking through the jungle. Such obstacles did not prevent these pupil monks from reaching the Wat and in the same year as it was established, the first Naktham examination was held at Wat Uttamaram in Kelantan.

Monday, September 21, 2009

23) Kruba Kissana original amulets ( 大模 )


22) Kruba Kissana Original Butterfly Amulets ( 大模蝴蝶牌 )

古巴每一面蝶神牌上都會鑲入寶石 (銅牌蝶神例外 )﹐這是因為古巴相信這些鑲在牌面上的寶石經過唸經加持後﹐有加強佩戴者財氣的功效。 除了加入寶石以外﹐古巴還有加入了由他親手寫的及唸經加持的純金或銀打固﹐以達到完美的效果。蝶神的功效是招財﹐生意﹐人緣或是異性緣。

21) Guan Yu Amulets ( Blessed by Kruba Kissana ) ( 大模 )

20) Da Er Ye Pa Amulets ( Blessed by Kruba Kissana ) ( 大模 )